BloodsPilot "XPilot fxi" Server
What is it
This is an optimized xpilot server based on xpilot-4.3.0 distribution. It can only run Blood's Music type maps. To keep the code base cleaner item support, as well as all other unneeded stuff has been removed.
The server is better in terms of playability than any other XPilot servers around. Our main goal is to improve on playability. The playability undergoes rigorous game-testing to ensure that it doesn't degrade with upcoming releases.
- Higher frame updates e.g. 25/50 fps is supported, done in a special way to preserve game physics of low update servers, without introducing inertia in ship movement.
- Better scheduling for packet updates makes less noise in steering.
- Bug fixed that caused loss in steering.
- Optimized server results in a smaller hardware requirements to run the server.
- Uses configure for installation
Upcoming features
- Hybrid update rate system, that makes the ship react to events (shooting, thrusting) as fast as in xpilot-ng run at higher frame rates.